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Participation in Air and Water Components of the Environment International Conference 2023

BLUE-GREENWAY project was disseminated during the Air & Water Components of the Environment International Conference on 17-19 March 2023 in Cluj, Romania by our partner BEIA Consult International. The event was dedicated to World Meteorological Day and World Water Day. The event was dedicated to World Meteorological Day and World Water Day.

Each year, in order to celebrate the World Water Day (March 22) and the World Meteorology Day (March 23), participants met for three days at the Faculty of Geography of the prestigious Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, with Meteorology and Hydrology experts as well as to some in the connected science area, from Romania and from abroad, to take part in the International Conference “Air and Water – Components of the Environment”.

Participants are professors and researchers from different universities and research institutes, practitioners from the hydro-meteorological services and other stakeholders such as public authorities or representatives of public or state companies involved in those domains.

Find out more about the conference here.