The 3rd project meeting of BLUE-GREENWAY project took place on 8th of April 2022 in Cyprus, Semeli Hotel. The objective of the meeting was to find solutions to the challenges of the land-sea chain by treating the pollution problems of eutrophic and anoxic coastal ecosystems (sea) that result from land-based and other pollution sources and by focusing on green procurement of products and services in wastewater management and agricultural practices (land). BLUE-GREENWAY addresses these challenges via innovative methods and tools.
The event focused on three main objectives.
- Inform competent authorities and organizations about the project and its achievements to take
actions in the development of policies and measures which manage eutrophication and in the
management of activities relevant to eutrophication with emphasis on agriculture and aquaculture. - Inform and engage SMEs which are active in agriculture and aquaculture, regarding the project
achievements - Develop a discussion on matters of policy development and promote the BLUE-GREENWAY solutions.